March 12, 2009

Mr. GQ and cleaning up

I came home from work the other day to find my boy looking like this:

He had on camo shorts, a McQueen pj shirt, and Spider-Man flippers, gloves, and goggles. He was lookin' smoooth!

Shooting spiderwebs at Daddy
I wish I had video of him walking around the house in his flippers!

Bryson doing chores:

A week or so ago, Bryson wanted popcorn and accidentally poured the kernels all over the kitchen floor. He didn't get in trouble but he did have to vacuum them up himself :) He did a pretty good job!


Mandy said...

So cute! I love it when I find my kid dress up all silly. Oh..and even at 2 1/2 I make Ella help clean up her messes. That's being a good momma.

Alicia said...

Hilarious! Seriously, no matter how bad a day, if I came home and saw my child dressed like that it would make me laugh out loud!!