October 6, 2008

I don't have anything real exciting to report...but here are a few pics and a cute video.
We had some bread that we needed to get rid of yesterday, so I took Bryson to the lake so he could feed the ducks.

The ducks didn't act very hungry but Bryson still had fun throwing bread at them.

We have noticed that Bryson LOVES to dance to, what we like to call, "booty music". Any time he hears it, he will bounce, bop his head, and throw his arms around. It makes me laugh. Yesterday we were in the Gap and a "booty music" song came on and he tore up the floor. He kept telling me to dance with him but I wasn't about to show my skills while shopping in the Gap.

Here is a short video of him dancing in the Jeep last night:

He has a confused look on this face because he couldn't figure out why we had the light on while driving at night.


Amber said...

He does have some dancing skillz....must have been hard to feed the ducks at that water after being at Maui!

*Kendra* said...

Love the pictures. THe video is great!

Krystal Cummins said...

That was sooo funny! I love how his head bops around so fast. I wish I could have seen him and your face while he was dancing in the Gap, that would have been great!

Jodi said...

That is hilarious. Love that dancin' fool!!!