September 27, 2008

Our trip so far....

Here are a few pictures from our trip so far:

We are staying at the Maui Marriott. This picture is actually of their "small" pool area. There is another pool area that is huge. The kiddie area has a big pirate ship in the water...Bryson would love it. He is really into pirates right now thanks to Veggie Tales.
We went zip lining yesterday. I highly recommend this to anyone going to Maui! It was a lot of fun. The guides alone were worth the money. They were so funny...had us laughing the entire time.

Just another Maui sunset

We went scuba diving today. No pictures from the dives, but we saw tons of dolphins while we were out. It was hard to catch a good picture of them b/c they were so fast. There was a baby dolphin that was showing off. He kept jumping up in the air and doing twirls. It was cute :)

That's about it for now. I'm sure I'll do another post when we get back with a few more pictures.

Have a great weekend :)



amie said...

You got some great pictures! Your pictures are really making me want to make trip there someday soon. I have never done the zip line thing and it looked like lot of fun! Enjoy the rest of the trip!

Krystal Cummins said...

WOW! That looks like so much fun and so beautiful too. Very cool!

Jodi said...

So fun! So jealous! :)

The Kaspars said...

Are you really blogging on your trip?! :) I do love the new layout tho...I'm inspired to change mine now so let me know when you're back haha!! Love all the pics, too. Keep them coming and enjoy your trip.