October 20, 2008

Last Night (AKA Heaven)

OK. This post is a SERIOUS New Kids post. So, if you aren't a fan...move on! :)

As many of you know, the glorious New Kids invaded the Big D last night. Krystal and I were lucky enough to be able to purchase 5 star VIP tickets (meet & greet). These tickets gave you access to a pre-concert party...a party that the New Kids attend, and great concert seats. We have been looking forward to this day for many months...actually, 20 years!

The meet and greet was awesome! That is the only word to describe it. Krystal and I showed up at the arena around 4ish. We waited outside with the other ladies for the doors to open at 4:30 for the meet and greet. We went inside, checked in our cameras, and made our way downstairs to the club area. There was lots of food set out, but that was the last thing on our minds! We grabbed some wine and sat in our seats and waited for the guys as we listened to "Single". After about 20-30 minutes, the guys came out, said "hi" and made their way to another small room that was curtained off. We were in group C so we were quickly ushered in line to meet the guys. While I was waiting to meet my dream man, tears started streaming down my face! This happened about 4 different times. I guess it was 20 years of built up LOVE for these men!!! I was thinking "great, you're going to be all puffy and red eyed. Get it together!" The crying stopped. :) Then it was our turn to go into the room. OH. MY. GOSH. I walked in and Joe was standing there to my left. I walked up to him with my arms wide open. He said "Hi! How are you" as we hugged. I said that I was doing great, asked him how he was, and he said he was doing really good. Next was Donnie! It's funny because once my eyes met his, I had no control over my mouth! Ha! I walked right up to him, put my hands on each side of his face and went in for a kiss. Ahhhh...heaven :) As I pulled back, I decided that one kiss wasn't enough, so I went in for a second. (I know you are thinking "oh, no she didn't"...but, oh yes I did!) Then we hugged. This man gives great bear hugs! I told him that he was my first love. He said "Awwww. Thank you. That's so sweet". I then told him (remember, I had no control of what came out of my mouth) "I just want to stay here with you, Donnie". He said "OK. Stay right here with me. You can hug the others later". So I stayed put....he kept one of his arms around me and hugged the rest of the ladies with his free arm. HEAVEN! As we were standing there, Krystal looked at Donnie, pointed at me and said "That's your girl right there". He replied "I know. We just kissed". Then it was picture time. Two pictures were taken then I hugged my man one more time. I told him that I'd see him in St. Louis. He asked "are you doing 5 star?". I answered "yes". He then said "OK, well make sure you kiss me again". "OK!!!" I then said hello to each of the other guys and gave them all big hugs. They were all so sweet. As we left the room, I said "thank you" and wanted to rewind time and do it all over again. I waited 20 years for this!!! All of those dreams about kissing Donnie finally came true :) haha! I love that guy! He is so sweet, handsome, and such a flirt! :) I could have stayed by his side forever. haha I know, I'm such a dork!

After everyone met the guys, they all walked out into the main room again, said "thank you", grabbed our hands as they walked by, and left the room. We then asked each other "did this really just happen?!!". :) It was great. We left the club, grabbed a hot dog, found our seats (in 5th row) and enjoyed an incredible show! Man, those men know how to melt the hearts of all of us 30-something year old women!!!

After the concert, Krystal and I tried to find their buses. After about 30 minutes, we found them! The first bus to leave was Jordan's. He was at the front of the bus waving. My car was 5 feet away so Krystal said "let's follow him". I said "but Donnie hasn't come out yet!!". She really wanted to follow Jordan, so I said "OK" and we took off. I should get friend of the year award for leaving Donnie!! :) (Just kidding Krystal! I was glad to do it!) We followed the bus like pathetic stalkers until it arrived at the Westin near the airport. Jordan got off the bus, signed autographs, and took pictures. There were about 15 girls there. He was really sweet to do that for us.

Picture time:

This is us right after we met the boys. We are holding up our special passes.
5th row, baby!
My man

Joe. He grew up good, girls!

Yeah...so this is what he must have looked like when we kissed! Woohoo :) haha

During the concert, Jon picked up one of the cameras from the crew and started filming the audience. I looked up and there we were!! My camera was already on so I took a quick shot. That's me in the stripes! Krystal is to my right.
No description needed

Here I am with Jordan after we were super stalkers. (sorry Jordan)

Needless to say, it was a GREAT night!! I wish I could do it all over again!

p.s. I was totally given the green light from Jerrod to kiss Donnie just in case you were wondering :) ....not that he could have stopped me! ha! (j/k...maybe)


Jodi said...


Alicia said...

I need more Joey Joe, NOW!!! Concert was great and I can't wait to go again!

Krystal Cummins said...

She gets the friend of a lifetime award!!!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Tracy. Next time were going after Donnie.

amie said...

That just may be one of your greatest post ever!!!

Amber said...

Ok, now that is the best blog post in the world. I so enjoyed reading that this morning! I laughed out loud so many times.

So who does Jerrod get to kiss now?

*Kendra* said...

**Don't throw anything at me....**
I never was the biggest NKOTB fan....seriously, don't throw anything at me. BUT, I was smiling the entire time I was reading your blog and Jodi's as well. I know that made yall so happy, therefore, I'm so happy that your dream came true! :)

Claire & Eden said...

OK I don't even know you and can't remember how I came across your blog but I am also a NKOTB fan from the past and loved your post =) Joe was my first love....Anyway, I write to ask you what kind of camera do you have? It's amazing and we are looking to buy another one! Thanks

Jenni said...

Wow! This is the greatest post! I was laughing so hard when I read it! I'm so excited that you got to meet the New Kids! I'm still in love with Joe. So, where are your pictures with Donnie?? Congratulations on the kiss! Jerrod is way cooler than my husband!

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

ummm, I am jealous! love it!

Jen Mall said...

Lauging out loud and maybe a little teary eyed too knowing your dreams have come true!!! I would have loved to have seen ya'll there!!!