October 18, 2008

Concert and State Fair

I flew to Houston Thursday morning to see Jodi. We had some pretty big plans for the evening! Oh yes. We went to the New Kids concert. It was AMAZING!! Seriously. They know how to put on a great show! (I had so much fun with you, Jodi!!)

After our great night out, I flew back home on Friday and went to the state fair with Jerrod and Bryson.
We ate all sorts of junk! That's the whole purpose of going to the fair, right?!

Bryson enjoyed feeding the goats.

Jessica Simpson was performing at the fair so we listened to her for a bit. She wasn't as good as the New Kids! :) But then, who is?!
That's about it for now! The New Kids are performing in Dallas on Sunday night. I'll give a full report on Monday. I know you can't wait to know all of the details!! ha :)


daughteroftheking said...

Ok I've got to know what was the median age at the concert? I figure it was a bunch of 30's? You are a nut!! I have to admit I did think about going. I can't wait for the full report on Monday!!

Amber said...

You now win the award for the coolest post ever!

I am green with envy.

Amber said...

They should make New Kids onesies.

Jodi said...

I had a BLAST!!! I will be posting pics too, but I was waiting for you to show off your photo skills first. Seriously, I know you are there RIGHT NOW and I want to pee my pants... :)

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

love the pictures! And you are super, super sweet to fly to Houston so that Jodi could go to the concert. you are wonderful friend!

Addison said...

Tracy, all I can think of when you say the word "BAR" is how Adam had to write HEB a letter stating why he went to jail. All in honor of the word "BAR". Funny story, how do you explain that to the people you want to hire you. Yall all were lucky to be under 17.
Glad you all had fun!!!

The Kaspars said...

Ok, so did you take all those pics?? If so, I'm jealous you were that close :) They were playing the NKOTB on the radio today and it took me back to 8th grade!! Sounds like a great time!