November 14, 2007

Soooo tired!

When Bryson got home from school he wanted to watch Finding I turned it on and went through our mail that came in. About 20 minutes later, I look over at Bryson and he was asleep :) with his head just bobbin' around. Poor thing. So of course, before I made him more comfortable, I had to get my camera. His head would sway side to side and then he rested it on the end table behind him. After the photo shoot, I picked him up, he woke up, and we watched Nemo together in the recliner.

2 posts in 24 hours! Wow! :)

1 comment:

Addison said...

So are you sad that you picked him up when he was asleep? It sometimes saddens me when i think they are going to sleep for a long time and then they wake up and are fine. I guess I just hope I can do "one more thing" b4 they wake up.