November 28, 2007

Boys are gross

I guess all kids are gross at one time or another.

I went into the backyard a little while ago and Bryson was naked. He decided to strip off all of his clothes because he had gone potty in his pants (yes, #2). So I searched the backyard and piece by piece found all of his clothes, socks, and shoes. We were making our way back inside when he pointed at a puddle on the patio and said "I went potty there, Momma". Nice.


Amber said...

The joys of being a boy... Jerrod must be teaching him well.


Jen Mall said...

At least you were in the privacy of your own backyard! Wait until he does it in the church parking lot facing one of the busiest streets in Idaho. I can't imagine who's child would do that!

Jodi said...

Awesome. ;)

It sure was SO great to bump into you guys last weekend! I liked getting to hug your kiddo! (you too, I guess!)