October 10, 2008


Well, we had a rough night last night! As we were heading upstairs to take a bath, Bryson told me that his tummy hurt and he just wanted to skip the bath and go to bed. So, I put him in bed and about 15 minutes later, I heard him crying loudly. This was the kind of cry that told me that something was really wrong. I ran up to his room and he was throwing up all in his bed. Poor thing. We stripped his clothes off, stuck him in the tub, and put some clean sheets on his bed. He said he felt better so I put him back in his bed. Well, 10 minutes later, I heard the same cry. I walk into his room and saw him getting sick again...all in his bed. This lasted until around midnight. By the time it was all over, I was left with 3 loads of laundry to do. I ended up sleeping next to him in his bedroom just in case he got sick again during the night. He woke up this morning feeling fine...and has been fine ever since thank goodness.

Jerrod was flipping through the television channels the other night and ran across a rerun of one of the UT games that Brock (his brother) played in. This particular game was from 2002, which was three years before Bryson was born. Jerrod had fun pointing Brock out to Bryson. Bryson would say "Hi Brock!". He sat in his daddy's recliner for a while and watched his uncle play football. It was cute :) (Remember, Bryson hasn't seen Brock in 8 months b/c he is in the Peace Corps in Africa)
A few pictures of Bryson playing with his play-doh:

Here is a picture of Larry in time out. He was bad tonight. :)

That's it for now. Have a good weekend!


Being a Star said...

I am glad he feels better...Marissa had a horrible day today..she got cut and had to have stitches she is also better know or at least for the moment since she is asleep...Have a great weekend.

Jodi said...

Um, curious about those last two comments?!?

Man, poor little sick guy!! And poor parents having to deal with it!! That sucks. I am glad it was short lived! Great pics by the way...

Being a Star said...

The doctor checked for strep but that wasn't it..no explaination for it....it seems to be getting a little better with the lotion though. I guess we will have to watch her and maybe will be able to tell if it was a food allergy.

Amber said...

So was Larry sassing Bob?

Dealing with vomit sucks. I'm sorry!

Krystal Cummins said...

Poor thing, I'm glad he is feeling better now.

I love the one of Larry Boy in the corner, haha, so cute.

Mandy said...

Hi! I'm Daniel Rawls' wife, Mandy. I read your blog from time to time :). Ella had the stomach flu a couple of weeks ago. No fun at all! It's so hard to watch your baby get sick. Glad he is feeling better.