October 31, 2008

My "little" fireman!

Tonight, my handsome little fireman and I went to the funival at Airport Freeway C of C. Bryson had so much fun and it was nice to see a lot of our long time friends.

The bounce house of course was a big hit!

Mother and Son. He has my eyes and mouth.

Getting tickled by Christy and Brady

Bryson, his Miss Christy, and Brady

Bryson LOVES this woman!

Cousins! Dillon and Bryson
They have so much fun together

Dillon. All he wanted to do was eat his candy :)

Me and my sweet boy. I have a picture of him sitting in this exact same spot when he was only 4 months old.

Getting candy from Amie and her skunk, Charlie. Charlie was SO cute!
Love that smile!


Krystal Cummins said...

I love that smile too, he looks so big and alot like you!

Jodi said...

So cute, and such the big boy!!!! Wish we could have been there too!

And what kid DOESN'T love Miss Christy?!?!?! :)

Addison said...

Miss Christy loves her Bryson too!!! Thanks for coming out!!! We enjoyed seeing you!!!

Hey, you remember when Bryson talked Chinese. Charlie was talking in the car tonight and I told Amie it reminded me of him. Did her too after she "remembered" what Bryson used to talk like. It all sounded normal to him, but Chinese to us!!! Can't believe he's 3 now!!! Love you guys!!!

The Kaspars said...

First, I love the new layout :), all the Halloween pics and especially the one of you too with the wax lips...I remember those...too cute!!

Alicia said...

Cute! Sweet bounce house! I wish I could have been there to see all the kids... but of course I had football!