August 28, 2008

Stayin' cool!

Yesterday, Bryson and I went to Uptown Village to walk around, shop, and eat lunch. It was steamy outside so when we ran across the water fountains, we had to stop!

I took Bryson's shirt and shoes off and turned him loose.

The picture below cracks me up. Just look at his face. He kept catching water in his mouth, then he'd run over to me and spit it out on the sidewalk.

I think he had a good I sat in the sun and watched while sweating. I should have joined him!


Jodi said...

FUN! Those pics are PRECIOUS!

The Kaspars said...

I love the one 2 pics from the bottom :) That looks like a perfect way to cool off!

Krystal Cummins said...

Awwww, he looks like he was having the time of his life.