So, lately when I check on Bryson right before I go to bed, this is how I find him. He takes all of his blankets and all of his little animals on the floor with him.
I thought this picture was cute of him. He's actually giving me a REAL smile! Not one of his cheese smiles.

P.S. By the way, did you know that Matthew McConaughy and his girlfriend kept the placenta (after the recent birth of their child) and they plan on burying it in an orchard. Hmmm. Interesting. Why didn't I think of that?
That is weired and interesting at the same time. Thanks for the info...I love Matthew.
Bryson is so L-O-N-G, that's all I can see (besides cuteness) in the one of him sleeping on the floor!
I've heard of other celebs doing that, I think Pam Anderson did something with hers...personally, I've never seen any of my placenta's and I don't really care to.
Bryson looks so comfy, not like he's on the floor at all. You have to wonder why kids do what they do.
OK, Placenta burying???? He is a unique individual. I don't think I will be doing that.
Cute pics of Bryson. I must say, that's my favorite time :) when you have a sweet baby/kid sleeping in your arms or peeking in on them in their bed or floor for you :)
As to the placenta, that is absolutely disguiting!! I remember what it looked like and it's not something I would have cared to remove from the hospital :)
I kept your placenta, molded it...baked it...and now it's the base of a lamp that's in the spare bedroom. They make unique gift items, don't you know.
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