Thank goodness for our recent "cold" front in North Texas (it's "only" been in the 90's this week). I tell you what. I just received my latest electricity bill and wanted to hit something. Our MANY days of 100+ degree weather has not been so nice to the pocket book. Our bill was over $300, people!! I have never had a bill that high. I know that there are people out there who's bill is even higher and I bet you are just as ready for fall/winter as I am! Bring on some snow!
On a lighter note, many of you probably remember Krystal's sister, Amber Rolen. Not too long ago, Amber was married and now lives in Hawaii! I know. Rough life, right?! You can check out her story here.
I know I do not like the high electric bills!! Ours was pretty high this last month too. So.. vent away, I will join you.
I love it when other people vent on their blogs. It makes me feel normal.
Mine was over 300 last month this month its over 450 dollars.
Rediculus we live in a 1300 square feet home.
I can't spell when mad...LOL
I am so ready for the cold too! I hate the summer.
Let's not even TALK electric bills. *cringe*
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