The deepest dive was at 85 feet (Jerrod wanted to break the 100 ft mark...maybe next time!). The colors under the water were beautiful! It's like we were meant to explore the ocean...why would it be so pretty if we weren't? We saw bright purple, yellow, orange, pink...pretty much every color you can imagine.
Below are a few things that we saw on our dive trips:
rainbow fish

shark (It was small but it still counts!! I was VERY excited to see a shark!)
The barracuda came a little too close to me for my comfort! We saw him pretty much right after we dove in and hit bottom. I was trying to be still!! He saw me and starting swimming towards me. Do you see those teeth? He came up and was looking at me face to face. He was no more than 5 feet away. Needless to say, I was nervous, Jerrod was nervous, and our dive master that was with us was nervous. Mr. Barracuda eventually swam away without touching anyone. If I am going to be that close to something in the ocean, I rather it be something nice and cute (like Nemo) without teeth :)
Grant, me, and Jerrod after our first dive on day 1. Salt water does wonders for your hair.
The diving was great and I will definitely go back to Cozumel again to dive. It was a lot of fun! Loved it!
While in Cozumel, we were either diving or eating...so the rest of my pictures revolve around food :)
Here is Grant and Kendra at Sorrisi. Sorrisi is a VERY good Italian restaurant in Cozumel. Their Italian pizza was very yummy and they also serve yummy ice cream! I will be back!

Kendra and me catching a quick wave after diving and lunch at Hard Rock (btw, the Hard Rock on Cozumel is the smallest one in the world)

Walking around town after dinner

That pretty much sums up our trip! It was a quick trip, but we had a really good time. I highly recommend Cozumel for anyone who wants to dive!
That looks like a lot of fun, minus your barracuda encounter :)
Your pictures are beautiful! I'm glad you got a pic of the barracuda. I'm way too much of scardy cat to do something that fun!
Amazing. I don't do water sports really... certainly not diving... much to David's dismay. Maybe I'll just send him with you guys next time since he always is so disappointed in me for not doing it!! :) Looks like a fun trip though. But I'll stick to the beach, thanks.
Just reading about the shark and barracuda encounter make me SO nervous! I was scared snorkeling! Ha.
Looks like a great trip.
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